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                Whether you intend to engage in foreign trade business development, domestic business development, channel development or technology research and development, as long as you are a sincere and frank person, working together, forging ahead and never giving up, we have a stage for you.

                We recruit the following positions:

                1、 Foreign trade salesman/foreign trade documentary

                Number of recruiters: 5-8

                1. Be responsible for foreign trade business management, coordination, guidance and supervision, assist in organizing the implementation of the company's annual foreign trade business objectives, and standardize foreign trade business processes;

                2. Be responsible for assisting in developing international markets, understanding and collecting market information and competitors in the same industry, and assisting in developing new customers and establishing business contacts with them;

                3. Daily maintenance of foreign customers, including answering and answering customers' questions and other relevant questions;

                4. Be responsible for assisting in the preparation of all foreign trade documents, foreign exchange verification and cancellation, and the online contact of electronic ports;

                5. Be responsible for the reception of foreign customers and arranging visits.

                Job requirements:

                College degree or above, CET-4 or above, fluent in oral English, one year or above of relevant experience in international trade and foreign trade is preferred.

                2、 Domestic salesman:

                Number of recruiters: 5-10

                Job responsibilities:

                1. As a sales person, under the leadership and supervision of the superior, he/she can regularly fulfill the quantitative work requirements and independently handle and solve the tasks he/she is responsible for;

                2. Develop customer resources, find potential customers, and achieve sales goals;

                3. Daily quotation, customer relationship maintenance, customer on-site problem troubleshooting, customer on-site bidding, and team installation;

                4. Sign sales contracts, guide, coordinate, check accounts and records related to sales services, and coordinate transportation;

                5. Solve customer complaints about sales and services;

                6. Provide guiding suggestions for product R&D from the perspective of sales and customer demand.

                Job requirements:

                1. College degree or above;

                2. One year or more of sales development experience in mechanical industry or more than 3 years of sales experience in other industries is preferred;

                3. Strong sales skills and experience, marketing experience and channel development experience;

                4. Strong communication, organization, coordination and team management skills;

                5. Have a strong sense of career.

                3、 Mechanical Engineer

                Number of recruiters: 2-3

                Job responsibilities:

                1. Be able to independently complete the detailed structure design and drawing of products;

                2. Familiar with drawing specifications, mechanical design principles, mechanical structure, processing technology and methods, and familiar with mechanical design standards and relevant national standards;

                3. Experience in non-standard mechanical product development, experience in packaging machinery development is preferred;

                4. At least 3 years of relevant mechanical design experience in the mechanical manufacturing industry, with a certain level of mechanical design;

                Job requirements:

                1. College degree or above, major in automation mechanical engineering is preferred, with more than three years of working experience;

                2. Skilled in mechanical drawing software, with certain experience in mechanical product structure and process design;

                If you are interested in joining us, please send your resume to email: 18017751366@163.com , please indicate the title of the email: name and position.

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